
class BackrefMetaField(help_text=None, verbose_name=None, filter_fields=[], choice_query={})


The BackRefMetaField’s name must match the name of the specified backref in the ForeignKey or ManyToMany field in the reference model.

The BackRefMetaField is used by the user to represent relationships in the decore Front application. For example, it can be assigned to the filter or to a form. It is a MetaField and does not get a column in the database.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

filter_fields : list

A List of type string. Only the speciefied fields will be displayed in the filter. If None, all fields will be displayed.

choice_query : dict

A dictonary containing a query to be used when querying options (e.g. in selection fields in the frontend). The query always refers to the reference model.

class User(Conform_model):
    username = CharField(verbose_name='Username')
    accounts = BackRefMetaField(null=True, verbose_name='Accounts', choice_query={'domain__eq': 'example.com'}
class Account(Conform_model):
    user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='accounts', null=True, verbose_name='User')
    prefix = CharField(verbose_name='Mail prefix')
    domain = CharField(verbose_name='Mail domain', default='example.com')
class BooleanField(null=False, default=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store boolean values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class CharField(null=False, unique=False, default=None, choices=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store char values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

unique : bool

If True, the field must be unique in database table. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class DateField(null=False, default=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store date values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class DateTimeField(null=False, default=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store datetime values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class FloatField(null=False, default=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store float values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class ForeignKeyField(model, backref=None, null=False, default=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None, filter_fields=[], choice_query={})

A field to represent a one-to-many relationship between two models.

model : Model

The model to which the relationship is to be established.

backref : str

The name of the field in the reference model that represents the relationship to the model.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

filter_fields : list

A List of type string. Only the speciefied fields will be displayed in the filter. If None, all fields will be displayed.

choice_query : dict

A dictonary containing a query to be used when querying choices (e.g. in selection fields in the frontend). The query always refers to the reference model.

class IntegerField(null=False, default=None, choices=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)

A field to store integer values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class ManyToManyField(model, backref=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None, filter_fields=[], choice_query={})

A field to represent a many-to-many relationship between two models. It is a MetaField and does not get a column in the database. However, a through model is created by decore Base, which represents the relationship between the two models.

model : Model

The model to which the relationship is to be established.

backref : str

The name of the field in the reference model that represents the relationship to the model.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

filter_fields : list

A List of type string. Only the speciefied fields will be displayed in the filter. If None, all fields will be displayed.

choice_query : dict

A dictonary containing a query to be used when querying choices (e.g. in selection fields in the frontend). The query always refers to the reference model.

class Account(Conform_model):
    users = ManyToManyField(User, backref='accounts', null=True, verbose_name='Users')
    prefix = CharField(verbose_name='Mail prefix')
    domain = CharField(verbose_name='Mail domain', default='example.com')
class User(Conform_model):
    username = CharField(verbose_name='Username')
    accounts = BackRefMetaField(null=True, verbose_name='Accounts', choice_query={'domain__eq': 'example.com'}
class PasswordField(null=False, help_text=None, verbose_name=None)


The keybase is a KeePass file and should be protected by setting the correct access rights (ACL).

A field to store passwords in the keybase and to use them again.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.

class User(Conform_model):
    password = PasswordField(null=False, verbose_name='Password')
class TextField(null=False, index=False, unique=False, column_name=None, default=None, primary_key=False, constraints=None, sequence=None, collation=None, unindexed=False, choices=None, help_text=None, verbose_name=None, index_type=None, db_column=None, _hidden=False)

A field to store text values.

null : bool

If True, the field is allowed to be null. Defaults to False.

default : bool

The default value for the field. Defaults to None.

help_text : str

Additional text to be displayed in decore Front.

verbose_name : str

A human-readable name for the field.